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極潤爽膚棉片 moist toner pad quick

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15gram 美妝體驗團5星滿意評價 


- 洗臉後3秒快速完成肌膚保濕補水,調理肌膚紋理緊緻毛孔,



About the product 

It removes water instead of a towel and charges your skinwith moisture in three seconds.
- It minimizes stimuli on your skin usually accompanied by the use of a towel.
- It charges your skin with moisture, whose loss happens during natural drying, in three seconds
  (tests were completed for three-second moisture improvement).
- Your skin will absorb moisture and active ingredients fast while removing water at the same time.

Increase of defensive power, the first step of preventive measures for your skin
- Preventive water complex, LAUNDERMA WATER™, to help your skin keep moisture better and increase its defensive power.
- The subacid Ph toner essence adjusted according to the healthy skin surface keeps your skin healthy based on the right pH level.

Cooling temperature to make your skin healthy
- Cooling Pad to lower your hot skin to the temperature of 31~32 ℃
- Tests were completed for instant skin temperature drops

Wave Pad that is highly tight to the skin curve
- Highly tight according to the skin curve including the cheeks, below the eyes,
and chin plant-based low-stimulus soft pad to minimize stimuli on the skin
- The water tank fabric to supply massive amounts of essence to the skin

5-Zero Clean Pad
- No irritable sensation(first stimulus testing was completed on the skin)
- No synthetic perfumes and artificial pigments are added.
- None of 20 attentional components are added.
- EWG Green Class(as of June 28, 2021) 